Contact the WSRN

Please feel free to contact any of the WSRN operations staff below with questions about utilizing the services on this website, any questions about how the WSRN is organized, how to apply to join the WSRN and use authorized services, how to become an infrastructure partner or non-infrastructure partner (subscriber), suggestions and feedback. Our staff are available via phone and email from 8am-4pm M-F excepting major holidays, and on-call via email/text only for critical operational needs (partners and subscribers only) at other times (but expect delayed responses)

WSRN Contacts:

Gavin Schrock, PLS - 206-684-5630 -

Hunter Eastman - Ph: 206-549-6286 -

Dean Huber - Ph: 206-233-7805 -

Forest McBrian - Ph: 206-514-0237 -

The WSRN provides support for partners and subscribers for services and features not otherwise available from the website. While the WSRN seeks to provide as much help to end users as possible, there are certain support questions and inquiries that we are not qualified to, or are prohibited from addressing. The partners and subscribers are responsible for their own field equipment and the WSRN is not able to field support calls about specific end-user equipment, the configuration and operations of such equipment. WSRN staff will answerq uestions related to access to this site and the NTRIP caster for real-time GNSS corrections, we are unable to troubleshoot your own GNSS equipment, communications devices, modems, cell phone, broadband cards et al. There are so many types and combinations of equipment being utilized by end users that unless an end user has submitted a specific 'cheat sheet' for a specific type or combination for posting on this site, we would be at a loss to help troubleshoot. We suggest you contact your equipment vendor for direct support of your own equipment.

WSRN staff are not qualified or are otherwise prohibited from answering questions about surveying, mapping, geodesy, or other end user operations, procedures, methods, requirements, or standards. The use of WSRN real-time corrections spans many types of end uses ,our staff are not versed on all types.


The WSRN operations and support team is four surveyors and a civil enginnering specialist. We all have our regular day jobs, but also tag team to operate, monitor, and supprt users for the WSRN. From left-right: Dean, Gavin, Hunter, Forest, and Dustin.

Static GNSS observation files (e.g. Rinex, DAT, et al) are free for download by members and non-members. these files are available as-is with no warrantee of completeness or suitability for any specific use. You can log in as: [Organization]= 'guest, [User Name]= 'guest', and [Password]= 'guest', go to the Reference Data Shop, follow the instructions, place your custom orders (not the order number), then log in in again later to find your order for download. WSRN staff will be able to answer questions about how to operate the Reference Data Shop, and are not qualified or are otherwise prohibited from assisting in any post-procccessing use of the files after download.
